Monday, October 26, 2020

September Reminiscing - Celebrating our girl!

Mabel turned FIVE last month and we had a great day celebrating her. She had been giving me the specifics on her cake for months ahead of time (in her chipmunky voice and with detailed hand gestures: "first mom, a layer of chocolate, then fudge, then crushed up oreos and another layer of chocolate, with fluffy pink frosting all over and Lowly the Worm on top). I did my best to get it right, but she did provide me some feedback that the cake wasn't exactly how she'd imagined it. Next time, maybe? :-)

The kids get to pick their meals for their birthday -- breakfast is usually Lucky Charms :)

A beautiful day at Center Lake 

Present time! Some of her favorites: A big-girl swing for our swing set, a cozy robe and dance lessons.

Love this girl!

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