We've been toying with the idea of moving to Montana - we've scoped out a few rental cabins there that are in absolutely beautiful locations ... it is tempting. Especially, because I think Jason needs to be somewhere like that to recouperate from our year in this city-jungle. We've also felt like perhaps we should be looking overseas. Since we still have very few belongings, it would seem like an ideal time to venture back across one of the oceans for work...so, we've been putting out feelers on both fronts, to see if God would lead us in one of these directions.
While we were sitting at the airport waiting to board our plane to Iceland, I checked my voicemail and had a message from a Christian School in South Korea. The school was interested in recruiting us to their school for the next school year. Jason as a middle school teacher and myself as a business manager. We'd only completed our application for the Network of International Christian Schools less than a week before, so the call caught us completely off guard! Although neither Jason or I had previously had any interest in living in S. Korea, the opportunity seemed nearly perfect ... housing included, a decent stipend, working in an organization with a higher purpose...the only catch, they wanted us in Korea by July 30th and required a 2 year committment. Two things we weren't willing to do. So today, we drafted an e-mail back to the school declining the opportunity...although it was a difficult thing to turn away from, we are trusting that God has something even better for us and are working on resting in His Peace about our future.