Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Oh the beauty!

Re-entry into the US has left us filling our lungs as full as possible with the beautifully clean air ... and that was when we arrived into Los Angeles! Never has LA air seems so pristine!

We were fortunate enough to have a long lay-over and got to spend a couple hours at Venice beach in the 75 degree weather, munching on In-N-Out burgers and visiting with my good friend, Christy. What a way to come back!

Arriving in Spokane at Jason's parents always feels like I am going on a retreat ... their house is situated on a lovely hill and is surrounded by trees. I dfon't think we could get more opposite than Shanghai if we tried! A special treat for us is that we had snow on Monday evening and it's stayed cold enough for it to stick the past few days. So completely beautiful!


Molly W. said...

Ah...welcome "home" friend!

Will said...

Beautiful scenery :)