Tuesday, October 4, 2011

What we've been up to

Well, we've been here for just over a month now.  I feel like our time is speeding by and am trying to enjoy everything.  Mostly, we've enjoyed the AMAZING beauty around us and how peaceful life is on our property.  Another awesome thing has been living on our own.  After two years of living with teenagers and school staff, I don't know if I can do justice to how incredible it is to have our own space and not feel like we're constantly on display. 

Over the past few weeks as we've been getting settled we've been learning a few new skills and enjoying the beautiful outdoors around us.

Wasp exterminator:

Tractor operator:

Chimney sweeper:

This is as far up as I went ... too scary for me!


Cleaning up from the sweep - yuck!
The payoff of a warm, safe & pretty fire is worth it!

I decided that Jason shouldn't have ALL the fun and had a go with the chainsaw.

Some more traditional types of fun -- hiking, canoeing and sight-seeing.

That's our house down there!


1 comment:

Shan in Japan said...

Wow, what a life change! It must be nice to be anonymous for a while :) Looks like an absolutely beautiful location!