Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Glamping in North Idaho

Our temporary housing in Moscow is unfurnished and we've essentially been using our camping gear while we're staying here. This has made us feel like we're doing some version of glamping (glamour+camping). We've got heaps of space, an indoor bathroom, fully-equipped kitchen and laundry machines, plus a card table and chairs from our kind landlady, but not much else.  It's odd, but fun and we're fully enjoying every luxury we have.

Fancy breakfast on our camping plates --

Luke's room -- we've tried to put a few familiar things around for him. He's also gotten REALLY into owls since staying a room with a large, stuffed white owl at Jason's parents, so I was excited to find this one at Ross for his room.

Our room and the bathroom, complete with this amazing thing called a bathtub -- haven't had one of those since we lived in NYC seven years ago. Bathroom also has awesome embossed wallpaper that's been painted over and is now peeling off revealing other awesome wallpaper beneath it.

Kitchen and extra living room with second fireplace and deck.

The main living/dining room where we spend most of our time (which is close to twice as big as our Guatemala apartment!). Has the best views -- Jason works in the tall brick building on the right (10 stories with 45 dorm rooms each floor - ay yi yi!)

The not-so glamourous part of our stay --
Floors that have only been swiftered for I don't know how long -- this is my advert for Pinesol & a scrub brush! The previous tenants had pets, so we've also been trying our best to de-fur the place. Ick!! It feels like the more I clean, the more fur I find.

On a funny side note -- we'd been encouraging Luke to play in one of our empty plastic storage bins (looks fun, right?) when he stuffed something into his mouth and ran into the other room. When I'd retrieved the object, I laughed out loud. We're great parents, aren't we??!?

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