Monday, May 2, 2016

Missing my adventure partner

I came to the realization last month (while Jason was gone on yet another weekend school field trip, the 3rd one in a row) that for much of our marriage, we have been involved in somewhat life-changing, shared experiences. Then we moved to Idaho.

It feels like those things that we most loved sharing with each other came to a very sudden and screeching halt. Spending the summer at Priest Lake last summer was really amazing, but during the school year it mostly feels like we are living separate lives. Our "shared experience" now amounts to a hurried and chaotic dinner together with our children where its virtually impossible to carry on any real conversation. Knowing we still have another year of this is a bit daunting...I find myself wondering if we'll know each other when this is over and/or how people go about getting to know each other again?

I don't want to be a person who is constantly looking toward what is next to be the "fix" for our lives or forgetting to SEE all the good things I have right in front of me. I am really thankful that next Friday marks the last day of Jason's semester - hurrah for summer (and hurrah for not having to move anywhere this summer!) My summer goal? Figure out a new/different way for us to have some shared experiences next school year in the midst of our lack of time together. Not sure what that is going to look like exactly?

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