Thursday, July 17, 2008

Offers across the globe

So, we have officially recieved job offers in locations pretty much across the globe from one another.

On Tuesday, we received a job offer from the American School in Marrakesh, Morocco. Jason for a 2nd grade teaching position and me for a high school art part-time teaching position. The school provides furnished housing, some relocation allowance and is extremely excited about the prospect of having us on staff. Here's a link to their website:

Morocco -

We did interview for the caretaking job in Palau (we were 1 of 100+ applicants & excited just to get an interview!) the week before last, but had not heard a decision back from them to date and in our minds had sort of checked it off ... but after receiving an offer from Morocco, we connected back to see if we could get a status before making our decision .... and .... we got offered the job there as well. Here's the link to their website:

Palau -

We're completely overwhelmingly grateful to have two such unique opportunities for the next year of our "adventure," but at the same time we're having a really difficult time deciding which one will be the best option for us. I spent the morning making a pros/cons list for both and really they are incomparable. Please be praying for us as we make this decision within the next day or so.

1 comment:

Molly W. said...

I love that you have 2 great options, that's awesome! God is so good isn't he?