Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Being a "Happy Girl"

This past weekend I got to run a 10k race in Spokane with some of my Moscow mom-friends ... several who also had babies in the past year.  I had heard about the Happy Girls Run last year and was immediately interested in this fun, women's only, trail run. I also knew that if I was going to get back into running I would need to commit to a race. This seemed like the perfect opportunity. Jason in his usual fashion, wholeheartedly supported me (meaning, three times a week for the past 4 months, he's been pushing the double jog stroller with the kids while I ran alongside).

Once the race began and the nerves calmed, it was a really fun day ... beautiful, beautiful course, alongside a river with the trees in their fall splendor for part of the way. Mid-way through I realized that perhaps this was my 40th birthday present to myself, a few weeks belated. A great gift to physically be able to do something like this.


Post-race ... not too worse for the wear, but definitely glad to be DONE!

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