Friday, June 20, 2008

Graduation Day!

The DAY finally came!!!

On Wednesday, although it was the students graduation, for us it was a celebration that Jason made it through this entire year at Bronx Prep. He was greatly challenged everyday he went in to work. The hardest to overcome was the daily blatant disrespect his students showed him, each other and themselves in their words, actions and attitudes. Although it was such a difficult year, we know that Jason was able to be an encouraging light to some of the students and we know that what he has gained through this challenge is incomparable. I am so proud of my husband for this great accomplishment!

Some of Jason's students ...
The park that Jason has walked through everyday on his way to work ...

Our celebration meal at home after the graduation! YUMMY!!!

1 comment:

Molly W. said...

YEAH Jason!! And that food looks SO yummy.