Friday, August 7, 2009

Mini Peace Corps Reunions

Jason & I were lucky enough to get to visit with three of our Peace Corps Tonga friends during our brief visit home. It is always such a treat to see these incredible people who we shared our Tonga/Peace Corps experience with.

Jeff & William drove several hours to hang out with us on the California's central coast - Jeff even brought cupcakes from Love at First Bite Bakery for all of us to share. Yummy!!!

Jamie drove to Washington's Leavenworth to stroll in the hot sun and enjoy a bratwurst together. Thanks Jamie, William & Jeff for making the effort (& driving so far) to come see us!
You are amazing!

1 comment:

Kim said...

oh my goodness, i want that pretzle! love, love following you guys around the world through your blog. looks like you're havin' fun! shanghai digs a bit different from your island hut, eh! perhaps a welcome change? view can't be as good, though! blessings!