Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Jason's new girlfriend?

This is Ethel, she's 103 and planning on reaching 114. She had a pacemaker put in last year and now says she feels like she could run races. She is more energetic at 103 than I ever have been or ever will be. She is not on any medications and claims her secret is not eating junk food. Although, she never misses her 12 cups of coffee a day or chocolate :) She was born two months premature (in 1906!), put into a shoebox and fed whiskey through an eye dropper. Talk about being a survivor!

We had the honor to visit with her shortly after we returned to the US from Palau. She is a long-time friend of my Mom's and it worked out for us to stop in and see her. She still lives on her own, cooking, gardening and knitting mass quantities of blankets and mittens every year for Native American children. She just gave up her drivers license this year. What an amazing woman!


Will said...

Wow, 103. That's amazing. I don't know if is worth it if you can't eat junk food though... and isn't chocolate = junk food?

Jason's been getting lots of moas lately!! Good thing you're not a jealous woman Carrie! =)

Kim said...

that is seriously AMAZING!

Molly W. said...

WOW, that is amazing! I do think that preemies are extra fiesty and are fighters...they have to be! What a neat lady!

Anonymous said...

Crazy!! We could learn a thing or two--BTW--thank goodness he ditched the beard!
