Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Trying to finish strong

Jason has 12 school days left and we have 28 days left to finish any/all house projects, pack & move! Woo-hoo and ay-yi-yi!

It feels like we spent the first 2+ months of the year getting the house in shape to show to prospective renters, then showing it, reviewing applications and picking tenants. Of course how life is, the first person backed out two weeks after signing a lease and making a deposit. So we got to start all over again. Not my favorite, but we're hopeful that our current folks will be great tenants.

Since then, we have tried to balance house projects with a tiny bit of family time, but we realized last weekend (as we were hanging rain gutters) that due to some travel commitments, we only had two more full weekends in our house. That really got our adrenaline going because there still seems to be SO much to do on the house.

When I saw this last week, I realized maybe I needed to adjust my priorities a bit ...

When my kids are falling asleep at the table, there might be a problem :)

I was thankful for a small miracle today ... a friend (who had no idea how frantically we've been working on our house) asked if she could take Luke for a couple hours this afternoon to have a playdate with her daughter. What a lovely thing and couldn't have come at a better time. Feeling very thankful!

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