Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Driving through a snowy Spearfish Canyon

Almost every year since we got married, I've created a photo calendar with photos from each month from the year before. It's a fun way to remember the previous year and pretty much the only "photo-booking" I do these days. For the past three years, when making our calendar February has completely stumped me. I literally have had only one or two photos. For the entire month. For three years running. That is just how dreary and yucky February in Idaho is ... this year we vowed to try to DO something photo-worthy this month. 

So when we had a somewhat decent weather day recently, we took a drive through the scenic Spearfish Canyon. This place was spectacular when we drove through it in Fall and I was curious how it would look in the snow. We were not disappointed. Around every curve there were beautiful mountains and a very chilly looking creek.

Coming through the town of Deadwood at the end of our drive.

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